Saturday, June 12, 2010

Serious Work to be Done

Well i have to get off my duff and get my thighs in shape! I know that sounds like an obvious statement but it really isnt. I have to get the thighs in shape so that in december the hubby and i can head off to see Harry Potter at Universal studios. We plan to fly down and do the tourist thing. I also hope that the weather is perfect. I have to get busy and get fit so i can walk for longer than an hour. I want to be able to walk, see sights, shop and get around without having to stop all the time. I think if i work hard enough at it, i can actually get it done. I am hoping anyway. I do have a plan. My friend at work and i are going to go to the gym and do exercise specifically to increase muscle tone. then i plan on getting on the elliptical and then i plan on building endurance. i just hope to have things on track. she and i plan to hit the gym at least four days a week. we both have knee issues and we really want to be better. so we have a plan and maybe this will happen for us both.
I am also getting a exercise band to do extra work outs. and i am going to get this under control. once the lawsuit is officially settled and we can totally get out of debt, we will be set for the trip. we can go ahead and make our reservations. Life can be good soon.

Onto another topic. I am halfway done on my third prayer shawl. I have to get busy with it. It is for my friend Diva. Her mom is suffering from dementia related to MS. this is all about the Lord and some comfort and love. I think just knowing that someone out there, who never knows you, but still prays for you, is of enormous comfort. I hope it is anyway. I dont know who i am knitting for next. but its ok. I just pick out the yarn and the needles and the rest will follow. Two other shawls and this one, just pretty much presented its owner to me. it has been of tremendous faith and love and comfort even to me. I have recieved so much love and joy from doing it. I can really feel how much closer to God i have gotten just participating. it has so much return on investment!

Work is insane. I am so busy. My group has finished screenign and now i have to do follow up calls and mailings and then it is off to cost savings. over 500 people screened and it is going to be insane. but i like to be busy so that is good. I did a class at pwc and it went really well. I loved it. definitely in my element.
well, i ahve to go and get some never ending laundry. so off to the races.

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