Saturday, January 9, 2010

i do not like the cold

aquiring culture can be painful! We went to drop dtr off at school, then on the way home, I saw this little sign, Walnut Grove Plantation. So we decided to go and do the tour. It was this plantation from the time of independence /Revolutionary War times. We toured the house, kitchen and academy and then walk around the whole area. The house and such was not heated, and when we walked to the cemetary, whole cow! It was so cold under the shade of the trees. I had not put on gloves or my scarf, hubby in tshirt and workout pants with jacket no gloves. we were ice pops when it was done. we almost ran to the car. But it was alot of fun. There was only he and I and no kids. No one saying are we done? when do we eat? what are we buying at the gift shop? etc. We had no time table and it was to please ourselves. The night before we stayed at the Cherokee Harrah hotel, our room was smoke free but the entire casino is filled with smoke, so it meant nothing. it stank from the smoke. Our room was gorgeous with a huge king bed, recessed tub with whirlpool jets, it was beautiful. Also, i took pictures of the art in the hotel. I have some awesome photos. It had snowed out there. Which pretty much ruined all my plans. I wanted to take pics of the bears with the painting on them, but all the parking lots were snowed in or iced over and the shops were closed for the weather. so pretty much that was done. We went to the school to see dtr one last time and have b-fest together. It was insane cold. 11 degrees and we were so cold, it hurt. I do not want to feel that cold again ever! omg. it was horrible. I am tired of being cold. I really am. My bones hurt and my knees complain when it is cold. but on the plus side, i am knitting a really warm wool scarf with double knit, small needles size 8, so it is pretty gray, but tight knit so it should be really warm. I may have to send it to dtr at this rate. I worked on it on the drive home. I am going to need more yarn, given the tighter weave and using two strands. I need to pick that up tomorrow, i guess i am heading to the nearest Jo-Ann to pick it up. but it will be nice. I am playing around with the alternating 2knit 2 purl to make pattern.
Anyway, i am going to take a shower and get in my warm jammies and be comfy. I cant wait till son gets home and we are all safe and sound and cozy. (he is at his grandmother's waiting for her to get back from Mass, so he can come home. poor kid)

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